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How much artists
get paid for their plays

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Café Tacvba
Café Tacvba
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Spotify followers
Popularity on Spotify
Monthly listeners
Estimated minimum Spotify earnings
Monthly $ 22.18K+
Yearly $ 266.19K+

How this calculator works

We take the number of Spotify listeners for any artist, and calculate the estimated royalties based on the price-per-stream rates in this article.

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check out what your favourite artist earns through streams.
If you're a label or publisher
see if the royalties you pay your artists matches with this.
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About Arrow the creator

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Gabi is a Barcelona-born, globally-based engineer and music nerd who worked at global audio technology leaders BMAT.

Music today is much more than just artists recording and playing gigs. There's a whole background of financial structures, people and companies that goes beyond what we see on the surface. Making those more available and transparent is key.

Gabi Ferraté
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